Damilola Akinyera is the Senior Pastor of Gospel of Grace Outreach, an inter-denominational ministry aiming to propagate the message of Grace.
Hello & Welcome
Gospel Of Grace Conference
Lagos Edition. 8th & 9th April, 2023
It’s here again!
The Gospel of Grace Conference (Special Easter Edition), holding live in LAGOS state for two days.
Theme: SAVIOUR LIKE NO OTHER! (Hebrews 7:25)
Ministering: Pastor Akinyera Damilola and Pastor Temilolu Oluwasijuwomi
A Saturday GOG conference and a GOG Sunday service.
Easter Saturday Conference will hold at the Sweet sensation Hall, Opebi, Ikeja Lagos, on the 8th April, 2023 by 9:00am prompt
Easter Sunday Service will hold at the Knight Bridge Hotel, 5b, Emina Crescent, Off Toyin Street, Allen, Ikeja, Lagos on the 9th April, 2023 by 8:30am
If you have ever been to a GOG conference… I’m sure you know this is an unmissable encounter! It is totally a JESUS conference – The Saviour like no other. There will be ample time for questions and answers. Invite someone too. You will thank God you came!
Learning about the finished work of Christ

The Gospel Of Grace Outreach is a Christian ministry totally focused on the teaching of the Gospel of Grace both systematically and radically. We long to see many believers standing fast in the freedom by which Christ has made them free and to proclaim the gospel of no condemnation to a guilt-saturated world. (Galatians 5:1)
We are also a fellowship of believers who share the love of Christ among one another and impact our immediate community with the power of God’s love. We indeed learn about the finished work of Christ and appreciate true spiritual growth.
A Place For You
Fellowshipping with us will be of great benefit to your spiritual and physical life.
You will be refreshed, your minds will be continually renewed and you will be empowered to enjoy the physical provisions by knowing God as your Abba Father.
Latest Sermons
Your spiritual vitamins for the nourishment of your soul…

Let’s Talk About Heaven Part 1 – What Do You Know?
October 18, 2021This first part of the series answers the question: "What Do You Know?" about heaven. It explains the Prominence, the Plurality, the Place, and the Preciousness of Heaven.

What Grace Says About “First Fruits” Offerings
July 21, 2021Is giving first fruit offerings still valid in the new covenant?

Let’s Talk About Praying Effectively Part 1
July 10, 2021Listen to learn about what it means to pray effectively.
Pastor Damilola Akinyera
“GOG anthem was birth on a midnight while reminiscing on the power of God’s Grace. It is titled: I AM RIGHTEOUS!”
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