A Bruised Reed? Jesus Got You!

A Bruised Reed? Jesus Got You!

Have you read this line before in your Bible?

‘…A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory…’

The first time I came across this statement in scriptures many years ago, I was just like the grammar here is big! ‘bruised reed’? ‘smoking flax’? What could they mean?

Well, permit me to enhance your love for Jesus as we look into what that statement really means. I want to introduce you to a prophecy given by Isaiah:

Isaiah 42:1 ‘…Behold MY SERVANT, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom MY SOUL DELIGHTETH; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles… …A BRUISED REED shall he not break, and the SMOKING FLAX shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth…’

Oh, I so much love this prophecy! It’s so sweet! A sound understanding of this prophecy will establish any believer in the truth of his ETERNAL SECURITY in Christ…and also make him trust his Saviour to intervene in ANY challenge that might come his way!

First, let’s find out who this prophecy was referring to. In Matthew chapter 12, Jesus healed a great multitude but told them not to go talking about it yet. (vs 16). The next verse then explained why He said so:

‘…That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by ESAIAS the prophet, saying, Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom MY SOUL IS WELL PLEASED: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles… A BRUISED REED shall he not break, and SMOKING FLAX shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory…’ (Matt 12:17-20)

So it’s clear this is referring to Jesus. And this prophecy points out that one major attribute of this ‘coming Messiah’ is that:

‘…A BRUISED REED shall he NOT BREAK, and SMOKING FLAX shall he NOT QUENCH, till he send forth judgment UNTO VICTORY…’ (Matt 12:20 KJV)

So what does that attribute really mean? It simply means: this Messiah does NOT GIVE up on anyone who places their faith on Him! You will be surprised He is referring to the weakest member of believers!

A reed is a straight STALK of any of various tall grasses. A bruised reed therefore is a wounded reed that has grown so weak and just about to be ‘broken’!Guess what?Despite the weakness or frailty of this ‘bruised reed’, Jesus will never condemned this person to doom! A BRUISED REED shall he NOT BREAK….simply means instead of Jesus to ‘do away’ with a weak or failing believer, He would rather HEAL and strengthen that believer!That is why He is a Saviour Like no other!

What others may condemn away as useless and fit for destruction, Jesus will ensure that bruised reed is NOT broken! He will strengthen it back. What about the other part of that quote?

‘…a bruised reed shall he not break, and SMOKING FLAX shall he NOT QUENCH, till he send forth judgment UNTO VICTORY…’ (Matt 12:20 KJV)

A ‘smoking flax’ shall He not quench! Wow! Now, imagine a lamp or candle that is ‘burning out’ to a point that the flax or wick thread is beginning to smoke due to very low oil? The destiny of such lamp is that the light would go off soon! But the case is not so with our Saviour like no other!


He won’t allow this smoking flax to QUENCH! He would rather load it with more oil and ensure it shines brighter! This is why that quotation has a good conclusion:

‘…a bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, TILL HE SEND FORTH JUDGMENT UNTO VICTORY…’ (Matt 12:20 KJV)

Hallelujah! To help you understand this unique attribute better, let us see that verse in ‘the Living Bible’ translation:


What a Saviour! He will never give up on you. In fact, let me show you how Elicott’s Bible Commentary explains that verse:

‘…A bruised reed shall he not break.—The prophet’s words described a character of EXTREMEST GENTLENESS. The “bruised reed” is the type of one broken by the weight of SORROW, OR CARE, OR SIN. Such a one men in general disregard or trample on. The Christ did not so act, but SOUGHT RATHER TO BIND UP AND STRENGTHEN. The “smoking flax” is the wick of the lamp which has ceased to burn clearly, and the clouded flame of which seems to call for prompt extinction…But the Christ in His tenderness sought,… to trim the lamp and to pour in the oil TILL THE FLAME WAS BRIGHT AGAIN…this tender compassion was to characterize the whole work of the Christ…’

Wow! In this is the security of any believer in Christ guaranteed! Only Jesus can save this way. I would have ended this post here but I feel you should see more on this. In the book of Isaiah, where this quotation was taken from, the next verse reveals a statement that gladdens my heart any day, anytime:

‘…A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth…HE SHALL NOT FAIL NOR BE DISCOURAGED, till he have set judgment in the earth…’ (Isaiah 42:3-4)

Why did the Isaiah say this coming Messiah SHALL NOT FAIL nor BE DISCOURAGED? Listen carefully: Moses represents the LAW-giver! Elijah the Prophet represents the LAW-restorer! Moses’ mission was to take the Israelites from Egypt to THE PROMISED LAND! But guess what? He FAILED!

Moses said: ‘…”The LORD was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘NOT EVEN YOU SHALL ENTER THERE….’ (Deut. 1:37)

Moses their ‘saviour’ couldn’t take them there! How about Elijah? Elijah was a man of FIRE! He could literarily call down fire from heaven to judge anyone opposing the true God! He was a prophet with the mission to RESTORE THE LAW! But guess what? When Jezebel threatened to kill this man of FIRE, the Bible said:

‘…Elijah was afraid and FLED FOR HIS LIFE…He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH, LORD,” he said. “Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died…” (1Kings 19:3-4 NLT)

Did Elijah just say: I HAVE HAD ENOUGH, LORD? What was that? Elijah was DISCOURAGED!

Moses the Law giver…FAILED! Elijah the LAW restorer…DISCOURAGED! But as for this Saviour like no other, the Bible says: ‘…He shall not FAIL nor be DISCOURAGED…’ (Isaiah 42:4) Don’t you just love this Jesus? No wonder when Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus on the mount of transfiguration, God had to quickly proclaim:

‘…This is my beloved Son: HEAR HIM…’ (Mark 9:7)

He didn’t say: ‘hear THEM’! It is ‘Hear Him’!

Moses FAILED, Elijah was DISCOURAGED…but Jesus will never FAIL nor be DISCOURAGED in ensuring your salvation is guaranteed!

‘…Therefore he is able, ONCE AND FOREVER, to save those who come to God THROUGH HIM. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf…’ (Hebrews 7:25 NLT)

Wow! Never forget that this Messiah will never let go of you! When you notice you are not being stable in your spiritual walk…Remember…

‘…A BRUISED REED shall he NOT BREAK, and SMOKING FLAX shall he NOT QUENCH, till he send forth judgment UNTO VICTORY…’ (Matt 12:20 KJV)

He will catch you! He will fix you! He will raise you! Delight in this Truth and watch your spiritual life bounce back to life! Hallelujah.

Moses can FAIL you…Elijah can DISCOURAGE you…but Jesus will neither BREAK nor QUENCH you. That is the blessing you enjoy for believing in Him.


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