— by Damilola Akinyera Do you remember this song: ‘lift Jesus higher…Lift Jesus higher…Lift Him up for the world to see…For He said, if I be lifted high from the earth…I will draw draw men unto Me.’ Hmm… This song is always used for serious praise and worship by believers and the congregation keeps lifting...
Category: Eternal Security
Concerning Demas…
Once some folks hear that you say, ‘a believer can never lose his salvation’, they will just rush to the story of Demas and tell you: ‘…even Demas lost his salvation…and you are misleading people that they can’t lose their salvation…be careful with leading people into error…bla bla bla…’ Lol… At times, I just wonder...
Born Again Again⁉️
When Jesus told Nicodemus: ‘…except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot see the kingdom of God’ (John 3:3) Nicodemus asked a very important question: ‘…Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter A SECOND TIME into his mother’s womb and be born?” (John 3:4) Hmm…...
Heavenly Race… Part 2
I’m sure you had a wonderful time going through the Part 1 of this post on the Heavenly Race. In the previous post, we shared on how the Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus filled with the zeal of the Heavenly race! But at the end…his favorite song which was… ‘…heavenly race, I no go...
Once Saved… Always Saved!
Before you became ‘born again’… Can you remember doing some ‘good’ things? Like…helping an old woman carry her load…giving alms to street beggars…saying the truth to your parents, etc… Hmm… Here comes my question!!! Did any of those ‘good’ deeds change your status as an UNSAVED person? (I guess I can hear you saying a...
Who Walk Not After The Flesh But After The Spirit!
I will like you to grab your Bible as we look into some exciting but revealing Truths in the Gospel of Grace. I once read the argument of someone who was against the teaching of GRACE! This was his argument: ‘Although the Bible says there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ...
Are You A Standing Believer Or A Sitting Believer?
There are two postures which a believer can take. A believer is either ‘STANDING’ or ‘SITTING’! Hmm… There is a difference between a ‘standing’ believer and a ‘sitting’ believer. What posture are you taking? Are you ‘standing’ or ‘sitting’? Hmm…. I’m sure you are wondering what I mean by ‘standing’ and ‘sitting’ believers. Can I...
Learn This About Advanced Forgiveness!
While teaching on forgiveness, a pastor once taught the congregation that he practices ADVANCED FORGIVENESS! Hmm… ADVANCED FORGIVENESS is a divine ’empowerment’ to forgive others their errors even BEFORE they offend you! Wow! Indeed…I know this is really possible because by God’s Grace, I practise ‘advanced forgiveness’ too! In fact, Jesus commanded us to practise...
Learn This About Forgiveness…
‘And forgive us our trespasses…AS WE…forgive those who trespass against us’! (Matt 6:12) Hmm…! I’m so surprised some believers still pray this prayer! Oh! (I guess you are surprised that I am surprised)! I once thought that was the perfect way to ask God for mercy…since it was coined out of the generally referred…’LORD’s PRAYER’!...
Stop Your Sin-Consciousness…
If you are a BELIEVER… Praying in a night devotion… And you felt your prayers might not be effective…. Because you forgot to ask for forgiveness for the ‘sins’ committed during the day…. You are excitedly under LAW! Hmm… Under Grace: God’s forgiveness is not ‘confession-dependent’! It is simply according to the RICHES of His...