One of the most popular verses among today’s believers is Hebrews 11:1…
Hmm… This verse has suffered a lot from many preachers especially on the subject of faith! When this verse is quoted, many think of material things or positive confessions…
I have faith that I am rich and prosperous…
I have faith that I cannot be sick…
I have faith for millions in my bank account…
I have faith to drive a Lamborghini…
Oh, Faith is NOW! It must happen NOW! I have FAITH for a job in in 2017… Because NOW FAITH is the substance of things hope for…Hmm…
This is the basis of many ‘preachings’ today… To many believers, …faith is all about… Having millions… Becoming like Dangote… Getting ‘alerts’… Flying to ‘Paris’… Building several houses… Working in Chevron…
So when believers see people who drive great cars, build solid houses, or fly airplanes etc. they tend to think… This guy must have faith so much… We must learn to always study Scriptures in context!
Hebrews 11:1 …now FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of THINGS HOPED FOR…
The key to understanding Hebrews 11:1 is to simply go a ‘chapter-backwards’…that is go to Hebrews 10:1 Hmm…
Hebrews 10:1 …for the LAW having a SHADOW of good THINGS TO COME…
Wow! I wish I could put these 2 verses side by side… so you see how they relate! But I’ll try!
Heb 10:1 …for the LAW…
Heb 11:1 …Now FAITH…
Heb 10:1 …having a SHADOW…
Heb 11:1 …is the SUBSTANCE…
Heb 10:1 …of good THINGS TO COME…
Heb 11:1 …of THINGS HOPED FOR….
Hmm… Does this make any sense to you? Sure, it does!!! Before you can understand FAITH… you must first understand the LAW! One is a SHADOW… the other is the SUBSTANCE! Until you understand what the SHADOW really is, you will never understand what the SUBSTANCE really is!!!
The substance is NOT making ‘millions’! The substance is NOT driving BENTLEY! The substance has absolutely NOTHING to do with becoming like DANGOTE!
What then is the SHADOW/SUBSTANCE? The answer lies still between chapter 10 and chapter 11. Hebrews 10:9-10…
‘…then said HE, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away THE FIRST, THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH THE SECOND….by that will, WE ARE SANCTIFIED through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL…’
It’s all about the FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST FOR YOUR SALVATION! That is what FAITH is all about! Appreciating your deliverance from the LAW into GRACE! Understanding that RIGHTEOUSNESS is now a GIFT not your works!
The Law says …you must ATTAIN righteousness!
Grace says …you can OBTAIN righteousness!
The Law says …you must ACHIEVE righteousness!
Grace says …you should RECEIVE righteousness!
It is after you have understood FAITH as an impartation of the GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS via the finished work of Christ for you… Then you can now trust Jesus to… keep you in perfect health… bless your finances… provide for your needs… etc.
Oh, every believer must be taught to ‘memorize’ Galatians 3:12 offhand:
‘…this way of FAITH is VERY DIFFERENT from the way of LAW… ‘ (Gal 3:12 NLT)
Wow! That’s actually in the Bible. You have not yet understood Righteousness as a gift… and you are claiming to have ‘faith’? It is after you have understood FAITH as an impartation of the GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS via the finished work of Christ for you…that you can now say you have FAITH! Hmm…
In fact, you will be so overwhelmed by the revelation of your Righteousness in Christ so much…that material things don’t move you anymore! You will stop trying to be like Dangote….you will be like…’…Jesus more of You…’ It’s not about earthly achievements… It’s about how much of God’s love you understand and show to/share with people around you! That is what really counts! That is what the Gospel is all about! That is the real Substance! That is FAITH indeed!
Therefore… ‘seek ye first the kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS… and all these things shall be fringe benefits to you! (Matt 6:33)
Faith is simply about receiving HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AS A GIFT! Hope this makes sense to you? I pray so!
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