Life Lessons From The Book Of Genesis

For some months, we embarked on another special edition of our “No Bible, No Breakfast” spiritual exercise in the Gospel of Grace Outreach. Our focus book of the Bible was Genesis. Apart from our daily readings (one chapter per day), we also had meaningful discussions on our Family WhatsApp group — rich engagements filled with intelligent questions, cross-pollination of insights, and impacful studies. We also read daily chapter reviews from one of our leaders. Our anchors for each week made the experience exciting for us through the quizzes they created for everyone.

After a long and exciting ride in the book of Genesis, we asked each member to share the personal and practical life lessons they learnt from their study of Genesis.

Here we go…


  • From the story of Satan’s deception in the garden of Eden, I learnt that we are to avoid seeking our own interests and glory, and also avoid people who offer strange offers for our pleasure.
  • From the stories of Cain & Abel and Joseph & his brothers, I learnt that we should avoid being jealous of people who seem to get more than we get. Jealousy can take people down very quickly. Envy crushes the receiver and crashes the carrier.
  • From the story of Sarai, Abram & Hagar, I learnt that we are to always verify every advice/suggestion that people give us. The Word of God is our standard. Instead of acting immediately on our own, let us seek God’s will.
  • From the story of Abraham’s and Sarah’s wait for a child, I learnt that we’re never too old to have our dreams fulfilled. All we need to do is trust in God, His promises, and His wisdom.
  • From the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, I learnt that we are to avoid making false accusations about people because we’re trying to get back at them. Also, as much as it depends on us, we should not put ourselves in bad situations where someone can accuse us of something because they want to get back at us for some reason.
  • From the story of Joseph as governor of Egypt, I learnt that life is made up of times of feasting and times of fasting. Let us always make sure to save part of what we earn, in order to get through tough times which may come our way. Have a saving culture.


  • From Adam blaming Eve, I learned that I must take full responsibility for my actions and inactions, and not shift blame. Doing so gives me the right heart posture for God to use me.
  • From Cain and Abel, I learned that rebuke from God is for my own good because He’s my Father and I must always desire to do His will not mine.
  • From Enoch, I understood that God loves and wants fellowship with me EVERY DAY.
  • From Noah, I learned that faith demands complete action. And faith will always look/sound foolish to the human senses.
  • Unlike Uncle Lot, I’ve chosen to be sensitive to God’s leadings, to not be carried away by my senses and to give sin no chance in my life.
  • From Abraham’s encounters with pharaoh and Abimelech, I learned that God’s love and protection over me is constant even in the midst of my errors.
  • From Abraham and Hagar, I learned that we all stumble; Abraham stumbled at some point in his walk with God and Ishmael was born.
  • From Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah, I learned that “if you are in God’s location, you will not miss His allocation”.
  • From Abraham’s most senior servant, I learned that God loves that I take initiative after I have prayed.
  • Unlike Esau, I understand to always place premium on spiritual things above the physical.
  • Unlike Jacob, I have learned to not be desperate and if I can’t help it, I must control it by asking God for help.
  • Like Esau who became restless and broke off the “yoke on his neck”, I learned that I must be “restless” in dealing with issues that bring discomfort to me and my family. I must not be satisfied with situations that don’t glorify God.
  • I believe that Jacob’s blatant favoritism toward Joseph was a foolish move, and it played a huge role in how the family nosedived.
  • Simeon and Levi showed a great lack of emotional control and intelligence. Their actions caused their father great pain and distress, and eventually a curse. I learned that thinking before acting is important irrespective of my emotional state.
  • Young Joseph lacked discretion, and I learned to always contain my excitement before people so that I don’t invite unnecessary battles into my space.
  • Like Joseph who refused to defile himself with his boss’s wife and honour God and his boss, it’s exemplary for every believer today including myself. Bearing in mind that honoring God can sometimes attract consequences in the flesh but God will surely reward us.
  • Jacob walked in the flesh for the most of his life and bore the consequences. Eventually saw God as his Shepherd. Today I don’t have to wait that long to see God as my Shepherd and I’ve learned that.


  • I get to appreciate everything God has done in the creation of the world. My creation and His will and love for me.
  • I’ve learnt that God makes everything beautiful and works well for man in His plan and will for us.
  • That things can always turn around when we allow the will of God to come to pass in our lives when we walk in alignment with His guidance.
  • Everything for me is about God’s plan for my life, His will, and my obedience to God.


  • Adam and Eve’s Story teaches me that owning up to my mistakes is crucial. Shifting blame only distances me from growth and from God’s grace. I’ve learned that true accountability is the foundation for a heart that God can mold.
  • Cain and Abel showed me that God’s corrections are expressions of His love. Instead of resisting, I must embrace His guidance, knowing it’s for my betterment.
  • From Enoch, I learned that a daily walk with God is not just a duty but a delight. His love for me is constant, and He desires my company every day.
  • Noah’s Faith reminds me that true faith often defies human logic. Even when obedience feels irrational, i’ve learned that faith requires action, regardless of how it may appear to others.
  • Lot’s Life is a lesson in discernment. Unlike Lot, I strive to be attentive to God’s direction and not be led astray by what seems appealing to my senses. I’ve learned the importance of guarding my heart against compromise.
  • Abraham’s Encounters with Pharaoh and Abimelech have shown me that God’s protection isn’t dependent on my perfection. Even when I falter, His love remains steadfast.
  • From the Story of Abraham and Hagar, i’ve learned that stumbling is part of the journey. What matters is how I rise and return to God’s path, even when mistakes have lasting consequences.
  • Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah taught me that obedience to God places me exactly where I need to be. When I align myself with His purpose, His provision will never miss its mark.
  • Abraham’s Senior Servant demonstrated that prayer is the foundation, but action must follow. I’ve learned that after seeking God’s guidance, I must step out in faith and take initiative.
  • Esau’s Story reminds me to value spiritual blessings over temporary satisfaction. I’ve learned to prioritize what has eternal significance over what merely feeds my immediate desires.
  • Jacob’s Struggles have taught me that desperation can lead to poor choices. I’ve learned the importance of seeking God’s help to channel my desires in the right direction.
  • Esau’s Restlessness inspires me to be relentless in pursuing change in areas of my life that don’t reflect God’s glory. I’ve learned not to settle for less than God’s best for me and my family.
  • Jacob’s Favoritism toward Joseph is a cautionary tale. I’ve learned that showing partiality can have devastating effects on relationships and family dynamics.
  • Simeon and Levi’s Impulsiveness showed me the dangers of acting out of uncontrolled emotions. I’ve learned that wisdom often requires pausing to reflect before reacting.
  • Joseph’s Discretion in dealing with his dreams has taught me the value of humility and restraint. I’ve learned that not every blessing needs to be broadcasted, and sometimes silence is a shield.
  • Joseph’s Integrity in resisting Potiphar’s wife is an example for me. I’ve learned that honoring God may come at a cost, but the rewards of faithfulness far outweigh any temporary hardship.
  • Jacob’s Journey from a life led by the flesh to seeing God as his Shepherd reminds me that spiritual growth is a process. I’ve learned that I don’t have to wait to experience God’s guidance and care—I can embrace Him as my Shepherd now.


  • I learnt that at creation God loves mankind so much he created us in His own image and made us master over all flesh, this love made him reconcile man back to the Father through the death and resurrection of Christ.
  • I learnt from the story of Adam and Eve that only God gives good and perfect gift and no matter how good to the eye the devil’s offer looks, it will always end in destruction. So I choose to always follow God’s will and instructions everyday of my life.
  • I learnt from the story of Enoch that I should ensure I talk to God always and maintain a constant and daily relationship with my Abba.
  • I learnt from the story of Joseph that God will always be with me because I am a child of God.
  • I learnt from the story of Abraham that I should trust God always even when if it doesn’t make sense to man, all the promises of God for me will be fulfilled, I also learnt that delay is not denial and that at God’s appropriate time his promises will be fulfilled in my life. I choose to be an Abrahamic believer and not a Lotic believer.
  • I learnt from the story of Abraham that I should always be Obedient to God’s leading even though it might not make sense to human, God will always make a way and the situation will then turn around for my good.
  • I learnt from the story of Joseph that I should always be a “Yet not I” believer as I journey this life, I should ascribe all the glory to God always. Joseph’s story also thought me that as a believer God is always with me and always by my side.
  • I also learnt from the story of Joseph that all things works together for my good because I love God and I am called according to His purpose.


Reading through the book of Genesis has been a cool and exciting experience for me.. Reading through the reviews and other brethrens’ comments has also been a great blessing.

Here are a few of my thoughts on the book of Genesis:

  • God’s Creation: Genesis teaches us about the importance of recognizing and respecting the natural world as a creation of God. This reminds us to value and care for the environment, taking cues from the first assignment God gave to man.
  • Grace and Forgiveness: The story of Joseph and his brothers illustrates the power of grace and forgiveness. Despite being wronged, Joseph forgives his brothers and shows them kindness, teaching us the value of mercy and how much of grace God has blessed us with.
  • Growth through Adversity: The experiences of figures like Abraham and Joseph show that personal and spiritual growth often comes through challenges and trials and that God in Himself is able to make us see the light of the day.
  • Guidance through Faith: Genesis emphasizes the importance of seeking and trusting divine guidance, as seen in Abraham’s faith journey and reliance on God’s promises.. Also, looking at Jacob’s life, he held unto God’s words and came out strong in faith.
  • In general, the book of Genesis is packed with godly wisdom and great inputs as it relates to our walk of grace in Christ..

Thank God for Genesis.


  • The omnipotence of God: the creation story is a powerful and beautiful one that exhibits perfection and the power and authority of the Great God. With just a few words, all things were made and made well. This underscores the importance of realizing that there is no other god worth serving as all powers and authority reside with the Almighty God.
  • God’s love for man: of all His creatures, God chose man to rule. It still marvels me that I am created in His likeness. Hallelujah! Meanwhile, He could have destroyed man after the fall but chose not to. Though there were repercussions for the sin, He made a way out for us.
  • The single most important requirement: in our walk with God, we must have an absolute trust and dependence on Him. We must always bear in mind that:

A. When it comes to God’s promises, though they may tarry, surely, they shall come to pass.

B. God promising us a brilliant future does not preclude adversity and trials on the path to reaching there. He can use anything and any situation to bring us to His willed end.

C. We should see God in every situation – the good and the seemingly not-so-good.

  • Obedience: obeying the Lord’s commands can never go out of fashion. Disobedience is one major factor that adversely affects the fulfillment of God’s plans for man. Stay true to His plans and directions, trust the process, and He will bring you to an expected end. Remember, there is no shortcut to success.
  • The power of choice: God made (wo)men with brain and will; He did not create zombies or a pre-programmed AI entity. We have the power to choose between good and bad, and our choices will always impact our final outcome. Choose good, choose God, always.
  • Of triumph and forgiveness: a major lesson from the entire book which I hold very dearly and make a prayer point is: do not play God! It is to His glory that we triumph and not of our own efforts. When God elevates us above our adversaries, we must not hold their misdeeds over their heads; rather, we must forgive even before they ask and leave the recompense to God.
  • All glory must be to God alone. Never attribute any achievement to yourself or your self efforts. He is the one working in us to will and to work for His good pleasure. All that we have are given by Him.
  • Focus! Pay great attention to those things you do exceptionally well. They are God’s gifts to you which, if well tended, will make you stand before kings and elevate you.
  • It is not over until death: it is unwise of us as mere men to write off anyone because the Lord can redeem anybody as long as they surrender to Him.
  • God is not unduly partial: His omniscient nature means that He knows the end from the beginning, and He chooses to empower and we equip each of us according to what He has seen in our future regarding the predominant choices we will make.


  • From the story of creation, I learnt that there’s no amount of darkness that could be anywhere that can withstand God, who is the Light Himself. If God the Light could lighten up the whole earth when it was full of thick darkness, then no darkness or anything representing darkness in a place, a life, a situation, can stand the light of God in Christ Jesus.
  • From the story of Joseph
    A. No complain nor tears. Taken away from the environment of his father’s love into the pit by his evil brothers, from pit to being sold into slavery, from slavery to servanthood, from servanthood to prison. In all of these we did not read where Joseph cried or complained to God. He knew the God in whom he believed. This was evident when he ran away from Portiphar’s wife’s seduction, He said “how can I do this and sin against God”. When he was to interpret the dreams, he made it known that only God could interpret dreams. He retained the knowledge that God in everything and everywhere, God was with him and for him, and that was enough. In fact, in all of Joseph’s life story, one line that was often repeated everywhere he found himself was “…and God was with him”.

B. Another lesson for me is that God is able to make his word or promise come to pass even when things don’t seem like it. Despite everything and against all odds, Joseph still became what God had shown him to become.

C. Another lesson I learnt in Joseph is that, out of all his experiences, there was always a certain reoccurrence around him that pointed to what God wanted him to become. When he was a servant in Portiphar’s house, it was evident that God was with him so much that he became Portiphar’s chief servant – a leader, a master servant. When he was thrown into prison, the same thing happened. The prison head-guard (or maybe chief warden, whatever they call them), observed that God was with Joseph, so much that he made Joseph the chief prisoner – a leader of other prisoners. And eventually when his matter reached Pharaoh, he became Egypt’s prime minister, only Pharaoh more powerful than him in the whole of Egypt. This could also be true of us, that in our experience walking with God, we can point to certain attributes or occurrences that keep repeating itself every we find ourselves, or in everything we do, that normally is not out of our own making. Such is an indication of what God is making out of our lives.

D. Another lesson is that, at the end, Joseph looked back and he understood it was all God working out great things out of his bad experiences. Instead of being mad at his brothers, he said it was actually God sending him to Egypt ahead of them to preserve their lives and the lives of many more. We should always see God working out great and pleasant things out of our ugly experiences, bringing us to a comfortable destination in life.

E. Lastly, Joseph’s story taught us forgiveness rather than being revengeful. What if he had treated his brothers badly and throw them all into prison in Egypt? He had the power, no body could have questioned him, nobody knew they were his brothers, even the brothers themselves did not know. So it would have been easy and perfect for him. But then, he still forgave them all and loved them, gave them gifts and food without charge, took them to himself in Egypt, fed them and their business, made life comfortable for them.


God wanted His creation to begin well and so He communicated His vision for the world to Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, then to Isaac and Jacob.
Each time God’s people failed, He laid out His plan, then selected those He would Invite to take appropriate action. God relentlessly pursued His plan of redeeming men and women from their failures, even as He maintained a relationship with them

Adam, Eve, the builders of Tower of Babel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Lot, Isaac, Rebekah, Laban, Jacob, Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Potiphar and his wife, Pharaoh etc.

The highlights of some of these personalities are as follows

  • COMMUNICATION: Adam fails to connect with Eve (Gen 2:15 – 17; 3:1-6)
  • ADAM: The first man with mandate (Gen 3:6-19)
  • EVE: The first woman who learned from failure (Gen 4:1 – 5:5)
  • NOAH: A man of righteousness (Gen 6:8 – 18)
  • VISION: Abraham seizes what He sees (12:1 – 22:4)
  • ABRAHAM: The friend of God who went the distance (Gen 12:1 – 25:11)
  • PROBLEM SOLVING: Sarah does God’s will her way (Gen 16:1 – 16)
  • SARAH: God had the last laugh (Gen 18:9-15, 21:1-7)
  • JACOB: A leader made Usable through brokenness (Gen 25:26 – 32:32)
  • VISION: Esau fails to see what’s ahead of him (Gen 25:29-34; 32:3-23; 33:1-20)
  • JOSEPH AND THE PROCESS: The traits of leading develops daily with intimate relationship with God (Gen 37:1 – Gen 50:22)
  • PHARAOH: Leading with humility (Gen 41: 1-55)

Adam’s communication to Eve was faulty due to 5 reasons:

  • He ignored some details in the message he was supposed to communicate
  • He allowed Eve’s voice to influence him more than God’s voice
  • He failed to hold himself accountable for his communication
  • He forgot what God has said about the consequences of disobedience
  • He did not take responsibility for the results of his faulty communication


  • You may be a good speaker, but are you a good communicator?
  • Do you pay close attention to what God tells you?
  • Do you give appropriate attention to details?
  • How do you take responsibility to what God has entrusted to you?

Spiritual leadership simply requires a willingness to take responsibility . Sadly, many spiritual leaders continue to duplicate Adam’s mistake by shirking their responsibilities at home, in the neighbourhood, on the job, and in church


  • NOAH
    The walk of Noah with God i.e his close walk with God clearly made him righteous before the Lord. His desires for God qualifies him to be used by God to save human race from annihilation and the result kept him and his loved ones from death.

God hasn’t changed, and even now He looks for the willing heart, the one that’s ready – rather than calling the qualified, God will rather qualifies the called who are willing

    When God called him to depart to an unknown land, he went the distance.
    When the enemies abducted Lot and his goods, Abraham pursued the kidnappers and subdued them.
    When God commanded to circumcise the males of his household, Abraham did it ‘that very same day’
    When God told Abraham to take his beloved son, Isaac, to Mount Moriah and sacrifice him there, Abraham obeyed. No wonder, he was called the friend of God! (Isaiah 41:8)

You can never be in partnership with God to regret the decision. God’s partnership is a great gain

    Jacob, a wealthy and influential man blessed with large family seemed to have everything but God has to break Jacob to make him useful. In the breaking process, Jacob – the deceiving “heel catcher” – became Israel, a “prince with God” who purposed to serve God rather than himself.

We often need to be broken, to be a very important instrument before God. Remember your natural ability is a gift from God! You cannot do anything of significance in the kingdom of God until you humble yourself before God and seek His face
You must be broken in order to be blessed!

    The 17 year old teenager with great ability whose very exemplary lifestyles are something to reckon with. He accomplished much because he enjoyed:
  • A significant vision from God. As a teenager, he knew God had something special in mind for him – Gen 37:5, 6, 9 -11)
  • A vital relationship with God. The bible says that ‘the Lord was with’ Joseph – (Gen 39:2, 21, 23)
  • A strong character developed through difficulties – with each new trial, Joseph grew stronger (Gen 39:7,8)
  • A practical experience gained through life – He grew in ability and experience when he took charge of the prison (Gen 39:22)
  • A special giftedness from God – His ability to interpret dreams enabled him to make a difference in many lives (Gen 41:15,16)
  • A unique blessing from God – I realized that 4 times in this book of Genesis, God’s blessings upon Joseph we’re depressed with some version of “whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper” (Gen 39:2, 3, 21 and 23)

When Joseph’s brothers realized that the one they had betrayed could now do with them what he pleased, they feared payback time had arrived. Instead of retaliating, however, Joseph blessed them and show:

  • As strong sense of security – “pls come near me” (Gen 45:4)
  • A strong sense of identity – “I am Joseph your brother” (Gen 45:4)
  • A strong sense of empathy – “Do not therefore be grieved or angry at yourselves” (Gen 45:4)
  • A strong sense of purpose – “For God sent me before you to preserve life” (Gen 45:5)
  • A strong sense of perspective – “There are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. And God sent me before you to preserve your a posterity for you in the earth” (Gen 45:6,7)

However, the question one needs to ask, is that, how does one develop such godly perspective? What enables Joseph to refrain from exacting the kind of vengeance most people would be tempted to dish out in similar circumstances?
One word: Character– This is because Joseph has spent years in God’s character-building course, he could maintain a proper perspective and use his power to bless his brother rather than course them!

Amidst all these qualities, challenges and betrayal from his brothers, and the building process from God, when Pharaoh called Joseph, the young man at age 30 then, performed with excellence spirit and great wisdom. He didn’t succeed because he suddenly turned 30, he succeeded because he paid the price for 13 years.
His hard-won wisdom and discernment got him promoted to second in command of what was then the most powerful nation on earth

When you show great skill when opportunity arises, you shine only because you’ve paid the price of preparation!

Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Habakkuk 2:2-3

Finally, If you want God’s perspective on life in every endeavours, then make sure you develop your character in his presence. This way, Joseph’s life is a very big lesson to us!!!

Grace to you!!!

NB: All scriptures coined from KJV, NKJ and Leadership Bible


  • Abraham was a prophet of God who walked in faith and instilled the fear of God on his children. Isaac is the covenant child God promised Abraham and Sarah. The lessons learnt from Isaac, his wife Rebecca, his children Esau, Jacob and their descendants.
  • Favoritism: Isaac loved Esau while Rebecca loved Jacob. It is an unhealthy habit for Parents to prefer a child to other children in a family. Favoritism leads to rivalry which happened between Esau and Jacob.
  • Deception: Jacob connived with his mother to deceive his father. Although Rebecca initiated the idea of deceit to Jacob her son but only Jacob suffered the consequences attached to his actions.
  • Repercussion: All the lifetime of Jacob was full of deceit which caused him unnecessary suffering. He was deceived by his uncle and father-law for payment of his wages as well as when he was ready for marriage. A journey of seven years turned fourteen years. His wife Rachel deceived him when she stole Laban’s idol and lied but Jacob cursed whoever stole Laban’s idol which lead to Rachel’s untimely death and lifetime grief and sorrow to Jacob. Jacob was also deceived by his children. We must be mindful that whatever a man sows, that will he reap.
  • Bridle your tongue: it is good to keep your dreams and revelation to yourself instead work and pray towards your goals else the enemies will try to abort it just like the case of Joseph and his brothers.
  • Fear of God: Isaac feared God so much. Genesis 31:42, Joseph also feared God that he thought it wicked to lie with his masters wife. We must fear God in all we do and wherever we go.
  • Reward, Love and Unity: even though Joseph brothers betrayed him, he was never revengeful but rewardful. We must forgive and reward everyone who offends us with good deeds, showing love and be unified.
  • Diligence in service: Joseph was diligent in his service as a slave in Potiphar’s house that led to promotion, he was diligent and serving others as a prisoner and he watchman in the prison, Joseph diligence still brought him to the palace and he managed Pharaoh’s resources throughout the famine period and invested in real estate business (creativity) for Pharaoh that is still in existence till date. We must be diligent, innovative and creative in our daily activities wherever we find ourselves. Genesis 47:13- 26


The book of Genesis opens with the creation of the world, depicting God’s ongoing communication with His creation. God communicates with Adam, Abraham, Noah, and others. Throughout Genesis, God shares profound wisdom with those He selects, never abandoning them or leaving them without support. This book is filled with rich lessons about the grace of God and his loving provision for his people. Amongst many, I have personally drawn out five (5) life lessons from this book:

  • Lesson of Creation: In Genesis, we see that God is the creator of all things. This reminds us that we are created in the image of God and have inherent value and purpose. This teaches us that we are not accidents or products of chance, but are intentionally created by a loving and purposeful God (Eph. 2:10).
  • Lesson of Sin and Redemption: The story of Adam and Eve’s fall into sin in Genesis reminds us that we all are in need of Jesus’ redemption — the very redemption that is potent enough to cleanse us away from our sins once and for all. Despite our disobedience and rebellion against God, he extends his grace and offers us forgiveness and salvation through his Son Jesus Christ. This teaches us that no matter how far we have strayed from God, he is always ready to welcome us back with open arms (Eph. 1:7)
  • Lesson of Faith: Throughout the book of Genesis, we see the stories of individuals who demonstrated great faith in God, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Their faith in God’s promises and steadfast trust in him serve as examples for us to follow. This teaches us that our faith in God’s faithfulness and provision can lead us through any circumstances and challenges we may face (Prov. 3:5-6)
  • Lesson of God’s Providence: The story of Joseph in Genesis exemplifies God’s providential care and sovereignty over all things. Despite the hardships and trials Joseph faced, God was working behind the scenes to bring about his purposes and fulfill his promises. This teaches us that even in the darkest moments of our lives, God is always at work, orchestrating events for our good and his glory (Jer. 29:11)
  • Lesson of Family and Relationships: The book of Genesis also teaches us about the importance of family and relationships. We see the dynamics of various families in the book, with their struggles, conflicts, and reconciliations. This teaches us the importance of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation in our relationships with others, as well as the importance of passing on faith and values to future generations (Eph 4:31-32)

In conclusion, the book of Genesis is a treasure trove of life lessons that speak of the grace, mercy, and love of God for his people.

What does this mean?

God loves us — Mistakes and all. He always has, and he always will. He doesn’t plan to leave us bumbling and stumbling through life with no hope for a better day. God makes friends with people to transform their existence into a truly meaningful, successful and purposeful life.


  • God’s love for humanity and His involvement in our lives: God didn’t just randomly create us- He made us in His image.(Genesis 1:24-31)
  • God instituted marriage: God is the originator of marriage. (Genesis 2:18&24)
  • God promised a Saviour (Genesis 3:14&15)
  • God keeps His promises: He kept and fulfilled the promises He made to Noah and his family. (Genesis 6:17&18). Whenever we are drowning in a flood of troubles(financial,mental, physical, academics etc) we should always remember God’s promises and know that He will never fail.
  • God prepared Joseph: Joseph moved from pit to palace. It was a rosy moment but God used the period(13yrs) to train him. Joseph also learnt to trust God in good and bad times. (Genesis 41:25-36)

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