Glory to Jesus for the Part 1-4 of this series; I am confident you have been well fed! Now let’s briefly consider another exciting picture of Jesus in the Old Testament. Let me begin this post by showing you one major attribute of Jesus throughout the Scriptures! Look at the verses below carefully:
‘…The tree of life was also in the MIDST of the garden,…’ (Genesis 2:9)
‘… For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the MIDST of them…’ (Matt 18:20)
‘…and in the MIDST of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band…’ (Revelation 1:13)
‘…they crucified Him, and two others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the MIDST…(John 19:18)
‘… but Jesus… went out of the temple, going through the MIDST of them, and so passed by…’ (John 8:59)
Hmm…What have you noticed? Jesus always loves to be in the MIDST! Whenever Jesus is in the MIDST, the situation must end with a testimony! So, what picture of Christ in the Old Testament goes well with this attribute of …’…being in the MIDST’? Hmm…
A Babylonian king once commanded that three Hebrew boys be thrown into a ferociously burning furnace… because they refused to bow to a golden image he commanded all the people of Babylon to bow to! According to commentary, it was in a gathering of 300,000 people bowing to this image…with 3 people refusing to bow! Wow!
300,000 bowing… 3 not bowing…. Hmm… May I take this opportunity to encourage us not to join the crowd in their choice to ‘dishonor God’ …but we should always STAND UP for Christ whose Love over us never ends! Hmm…
Well, these boys were thrown into the furnace…which was heated 7times more…and was so hot that…the Bible reports that…
‘… Therefore, because the king’s command was urgent, and the furnace exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego…’ (Dan 3:22)
The flame was that hot! But…something dramatic happened later! The king was no longer seeing 3 people in the fire!
‘… “Look!” the King answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the MIDST of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” (Dan 3:25)
Oh…oh… ‘…four men walking in the MIDST of the fire…’ Wow! In the MIDST!!! That was HIM! JESUS!!! Glory to His name! When He comes into the MIDST of any challenge…the situation must turn around!
Now listen: are you in any form of challenge…that seems like a ‘voracious fire’? Hmm… Place Jesus in the MIDST of your ‘fire’….and you will realize ‘how cool’ fire can be!
But you may ask: ‘…how can I ensure Jesus is in the MIDST of my life? Well, it’s simple! Read the verse below carefully:
‘… when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the MIDST, and said to them, “Peace be with you…’ (John 20:19)
Take note of the Gospel He proclaims every time He appears in the MIDST! ‘… Jesus came and stood in the MIDST, and said to them, “Peace be with you…’ (John 20:19)
The Gospel of PEACE! The Gospel of GRACE! (Romans 5:1)
Now listen carefully: Jesus will always appear in the MIDST of an atmosphere where the GOSPEL OF GRACE is proclaimed! This is why the devil will do all he can to prevent believers from listening or accepting the Gospel of Grace! He knows it will bring Jesus into the Midst….and that automatically kicks him out of his evil activities! Hmm…
In conclusion: Never forget: are you in any form of challenge…that seems like a ‘voracious fire’? Hmm… Place Jesus in the MIDST of your ‘fire’….and like the 3 Hebrew boys… you will soon realize ‘how cool’ fire can be!
Therefore, stay addicted to the GOSPEL OF GRACE! Glory to Jesus.
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