by Pastor Temilolu Oluwasijuwomi
Pro 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.
Isn’t it funny that Vashti was thrown out because she refused to show up when summoned, while Esther was favored when she showed up without any invitation? You know what? Similar offence, though Esther’s was worse, because it was punishable by death. However, they were different personalities. The later was the daughter of the kings Boss while the former was the daughter of a nobody. When your Daddy-God is involved all limitations dissolve and favour becomes the order of the day.
THE “KING” IS YOUR DADDY-GOD’S ERRAND BOY: From the previous study, we saw that whoever is in any position is there because God put them there or allowed them to be there, including children of God. Hence, they are under obligation to do Gods will and not theirs. The twist, however, is that believers have the responsibility to set them straight. They have no right to lord it over the believer. As believers, especially in these treacherous times, we need to get dressed in the spirit and dictate the spiritual and socio-economic tempo of our society not complain like those who have non in whom they trust.
1Ti 2:1-2 | I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
In the book of Exodus, while Pharaoh thought he was in charge, God gave Moses a revelation of who was really in charge.
Exo.4:22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:
Our Father is not a lord, He is The Lord. In the above verse, God told Moses to let Pharaoh know who the boss was. He did not say, tell Pharaoh “our God”, but he said tell Pharaoh “the Lord”. You see, in this statement, God wanted Moses to make it clear that as far as Pharaoh was concerned, Israel’s Daddy was his Lord (Boss).
Imagine someone tried to oppress you, you report to your dad, only to find out that the oppressor is your dad’s slave; just imagine. That is how your Daddy-God is to any King especially when they are not believers. He is their Lord. So, when next you want to report a case to your Father about an unfair treatment by someone in authority, understand the place of whoever you are reporting, they are your fathers’ slaves, more so, if they are unbelievers.
A king is one who has a domain over which he exercises absolute power and authority, but does he? The power the believer possesses exceeds whatever powers any one in whatever position can wield, if only we tapped into the limitless spiritual resources we have.
The bible says that the weapons of our warfare are not canal, but they are mighty through God…2Cor 10:4
Never underestimate yourself as a child of God. How will our lives be if we had so much confidence that when we prayerfully flex our spiritual powers in Christ miracles are bound to happen. If Esther prayed and God favored her before the king, regardless of the deadly Persian Empire protocols, how much more you under a better covenant? Will God not favour you as you pursue that contract, or that project, or that desire in your heart needing a powerful person’s approval?
Is there anything you are looking up to God for in some high offices or from certain influential personality; it is time to start seeing them as Gods errand boys, who only do the bidding of your Daddy-God.
Rom8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
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