Oh, what a delight to feast on God’s Word, relishing it more than our necessary food! This chapter takes us back to Abram and his life goings. Let’s review together:
Genesis 13:1-2 And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the south. And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.
God acted as the mastermind chess player, and using Pharaoh as his pawn, He blessed Abram with riches (Gen. 12:16). All through his life, God continued to bless him (Gen. 24:1). Who says that God cannot bless a man with wealth? Please, avoid the poverty gospel that expects poverty and calamity. Avoid the poverty gospel that invites the operations of the devil and actions that tend to poverty. To understand how man is financially blessed by God’s providence, take some time to listen to Pastor Dammy’s sermon titled: “What the Bible Says About Money (Part 1)”
Genesis 13:5-6 And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents. And the land was not able to bear them, that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together.
Lot had enjoyed blessings through Abram, and both of them had become so “great” that they needed to establish themselves separately. It was a separation that was necessitated by prosperity. However, they had choices to make. Both of them, and each of them.
- Abram had to choose between “peace” and “possessions”. He had to choose between “booming business” and “family feud”. Abram did not want money matters to cause friction with his nephew. So, he chose the option of peaceful separation.
- Abram also had to choose between “trusting his gut” and “trusting his God”. He had to choose between his “right” to choose a location first, and God’s “righteousness” to do him well.
- Lot had to choose between “wealth” and “wisdom”. He was lured towards/by the wealth of the land, and but his eyes were blurred to the wickedness of the land. His quest for wealth made him pitch his tent with corruption.
1 Timothy 6:9 But those who have a desire for wealth are falling into danger, and are taken as in a net by a number of foolish and damaging desires, through which men are overtaken by death and destruction.
Abram had to make decisions, and he made them wisely. He chose what was best, even if today’s business analysts would have criticized him. He chose according to God’s will, not according to economic trends. Lot, on the other hand, chose in the opposite manner. He was living for the possible, but Abram was trusting God for the impossible. He was driven by greed. I recommend that you listen to Pastor Dammy’s sermon titled: “Proverbs About Your Greed”
The results of their choices will become clear later.
Genesis 13:14-15 And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.
Nothing beats “trusting in God”. Whether it’s for salvation or security or serenity or satisfaction or supply, God can be — and should be — trusted! Do you feel cheated by someone? Trust in God for satisfaction. Do you feel betrayed by someone you love? Trust in God for stability. Abram trusted in God. Right or left, Abram knew he could trust God, and he received three major reassurances from God!
- Reassurance of Prosperity (v. 14–15)
- Reassurance of Posterity (v. 16)
- Reassurance of Perpetuity (v. 17)
This chapter differentiates between the two kinds of believers — the ones with “Abrahamic” righteousness and the ones with “Lotic righteousness”
- Lot had a weak devotion, and that made him have a company with the wicked; Abram was an altar rearer (v. 4, 18), and that made him a devoted believer.
- Lot had worldly desires, which led him to self-centeredness; Abram trusted in God’s distribution, a proof of his God-centeredness.
- Walking by sight, Lot made wrong decisions; Walking by faith, Abram made right decisions.
Learn more about these differences by listening to Pastor Dammy’s sermon titled: “The Attention of the Gospel”
Dear Gogolights, my admonition for us is the same with Paul’s:
Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).
God desires to prosper us. However, be intentional about being an Abraham who had “a lot” and had “a love” for God, and not Lot who had “a lot” and had “a lust” for goodies.
Grace to you, Church!
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