Review of Proverbs 4

Review of Proverbs 4

by Pastor Ayo Sparks

As always, I won’t cease to remind you that these reviews are my own musings on the chapter and it would be great if you also read through as a form of devotion and gain wisdom in areas of need. So, let’s delve in…

Proverbs 4:1-2 KJVA | Hear, ye children, THE INSTRUCTION OF A FATHER, and attend to know understanding. FOR I GIVE YOU GOOD DOCTRINE, forsake ye not my law.

Immediately I started reading, my mind got fixated on the Fatherhood of God. The word Father is Abba which means SOURCE and as we saw in Chapter 2 that it is the Lord who gives wisdom. It denotes that whatever flows out the mouth of the Father is wisdom embodied. So, in whatever sphere you desire to manifest wisdom, find out what the Father is currently saying about it.

Jesus explained this is a way; You shouldn’t live, you live by effort based concoctions and simulations but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Father… It went further to say, “attend to know understanding…” Attend means STAY WITH THOSE WORDS… As you stay on those words, the result is acquaintance with understanding…

Personally, this came to me as this: THE RESULT OF STAYING WITH THOSE WORDS IS REVELATION. Those words don’t just stay in realm of words but they translate to sights in your inner man… YOU JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, BUT YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IT AND YOU KNOW THE OUTCOME…

I know what to do… I know how to do it… In the name of Jesus… Glory! Glory! Glory!

That same verse, another lesson still on the Fatherhood of God… For I give you good doctrine… You can easily tell if a doctrine is good or bad by testing it on the basis of the Fatherhood of God.

…but God is a Judge too? …but God is a consuming Fire too? Very correct! Agreed! YET HE IS YOUR FATHER…who will judge those who are not his and also those who gang up against his Kids…who will roar and consume those reject his last be proposal when he knelt on the cross and his grace kissed earth….

I love the verse 3… How many of us can really say this? For I was my father’s son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. Proverbs 4:3 KJVA


This is a reality we must put to heart… Few years back, I had an encounter with a young lady who claimed her parents detested her, I told her to confess this verse regularly and boom within a month her narrative changed. For the spiritual angle, someone will ask, I agree that of Father, who then is our mother?

Galatians 4:26 KJVA | But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.

Well… this is Paul using the allegory of Hagar and Sarah; Law and Grace… It’s Grace that bore us all… Back to verse 1 of Proverbs 4… The last part… forsake not my law. In other words, do not neglect my instructions… Well, for me, it didn’t strike as instructions but so much as promises.

2 Peter 1:3-4 | According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: WHEREBY ARE GIVEN UNTO US EXCEEDING GREAT AND PRECIOUS PROMISES…

This is specifically for someone reading, you have been going through a period of doubt and lots of questions on your heart, the Lord is saying this to you: Don’t neglect my promises… I have a word for you concerning the matter, it’s happening faster than you imagine, I am compressing time for your sake, I am  breaking barriers for your lifting, Rise and soar in my name.

We can spend the next few minutes aligning to God’s word about us by speaking in tongues…. Thank you Father for your words achieves all that you purpose it to… We walk in discretion and direction… In Jesus name…

Remain in Grace Always!

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