Spiritual Blessings: Then and Now

Spiritual Blessings: Then and Now

Under the Law: God said… ‘Now therefore, if ye will OBEY my voice indeed, and KEEP my covenant…THEN….ye shall be a PECULIAR TREASURE unto Me….and ye shall be unto Me….a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS…and a HOLY NATION! (Exodus 19:5-6)

Three blessings are mentioned above!

1. Peculiar Treasure

2. Kingdom of Priests

3. A Holy nation

Under LAW, if you must become the THREE blessings which God proclaimed, you must OBEY God’s voice and KEEP His covenant! The people under Law must fulfil the LAW if they must see the fulfilment of God’s blessings in their lives!!!

But… Under the covenant of Grace, God says ‘…Ye ARE…a chosen generation….A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD…..A HOLY NATION….A PECULIAR PEOPLE…! (1Peter 2:9)

Wow! Did you see those THREE blessings mentioned in that verse?

1. A Royal Priesthood, which is Kingdom of Priests

2. A Holy nation

3. A Peculiar People, which is Peculiar Treasure

That verse never said you will become a royal priesthood….if you obey! It simply says …YE ARE…!!! Now listen carefully: the day you became born again, you BECAME the ‘three blessings’ which the people under Law need to achieve by obedience!!!

Under Law: You must DO before God can bless!

Under Grace: God WILL bless, NOT because of what you DO, but because of what Jesus DID!!!

Do not allow the devil make you believe you still have to DO in order to qualify for God’s favour! No! That was the mistake the ELDER BROTHER of the prodigal son made! He thought he must fulfil the Law before he can win his Father’s favour!

‘…And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither TRANSGRESSED I AT ANY TIME THY COMMANDMENT: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends…’ (Luke 15:29).

This guy is passionately under Law! Listen: You don’t ‘DO’ in order to qualify! You simply DO because you are qualified! A dog does not bark to BECOME a dog! No! A dog barks BECAUSE it’s a dog!!! You don’t serve God to be blessed! You serve God BECAUSE you are blessed!

The Bible says: ‘Jesus BLOTTED OUT the HANDWRITING of REQUIREMENTS (obligations of the law)…and took it out of the way….NAILING IT TO THE CROSS’!!! (Col 2:14) You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people!!! It’s ALL a product of the finished work of Christ by His death and resurrection for us! (John 19:30) The more you believe in the FINISHED work of Jesus for you, the more you will be empowered to live a life pleasing unto God! The Law says: DO, DO, DO….Grace says: DONE, DONE, DONE! (John 19:30) Remain in the ‘DONE’ realm of Grace! Amen.

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