I am a Chosen!

I am a Chosen!

This sermon is a deep exposition of the "Chosen" status of every believer, explaining the five locks of the Chosen Chain, and the five locks of the Condemned Chain.

Ephesians 1&2: Firm Foundation

Ephesians 1&2: Firm Foundation

This sermon is an exposition of Ephesians 1&2, and serves as a timely reminder of three major foundational truths of our faith.

What the Gospel Stays Part 7c

What the Gospel Stays Part 7c

This sermon is the final part of our study of Hebrews 6:4-6, with special emphasis on the different steps of love and blessings that God extends to unbelievers, that makes their adamant refusal the condition for impossibility to be saved. 

What the Gospel Stays Part 7b

What the Gospel Stays Part 7b

This sermon is the continuation of our study of Hebrews 6:4-6, with special emphasis on the hardening of heart against the Gospel. 

What the Gospel Stays Part 7a

What the Gospel Stays Part 7a

This sermon is a deep and detailed study of Hebrews 6:4-6, one of the knotty scriptures used to confuse and destabilize believers on the subject of eternal salvation. 

What the Gospel Stays — Part 5

What the Gospel Stays — Part 5

This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost. (Mat. 7:21)

What The Gospel Stays — Part 4

What The Gospel Stays — Part 4

This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost. (Phil. 2:12)

What The Gospel Stays — Part 3

What The Gospel Stays — Part 3

This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost. (James 2:17)

What The Gospel Stays — Part 2

What The Gospel Stays — Part 2

This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost.