This sermon is an exposition of Ephesians 1&2, and serves as a timely reminder of three major foundational truths of our faith.
Sermon Category: Gospel
What the Gospel Stays Part 7b
This sermon is the continuation of our study of Hebrews 6:4-6, with special emphasis on the hardening of heart against the Gospel.
The Gospel According To Paul
This sermon is so detailed exegesis that explores the true gospel of Christ, as preached by Apostle Paul in Acts 13.
What The Gospel Stays Part 6; Explaining If We Sin Willfully
This sermon is a deep exposition of the scriptures, explaining on of the misunderstood verses of the scriptures (Heb 10:26-29) and reassuring the believer of his/her stand point in the security of eternal salvation.
What the Gospel Stays — Part 5
This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost. (Mat. 7:21)
What The Gospel Stays — Part 4
This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost. (Phil. 2:12)
What The Gospel Stays — Part 3
This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost. (James 2:17)
What The Gospel Stays — Part 2
This sermon offers accurate biblical explanations for some verses of the bible that seem to suggest the possibility that a believer's salvation can be lost.
What the Gospel Sways
This sermon is a detailed exposition of how the Gospel sways legalism, licentiousness, and latency backwards, and how it sways love, life and light forward.
What The Gospel Says
This sermon differentiates between the GOSSIP (bad news) and the GOSPEL (good news)