This sermon is a deep exposition of the "Chosen" status of every believer, explaining the five locks of the Chosen Chain, and the five locks of the Condemned Chain.
Sermon Category: Salvation
Ephesians 1&2: Firm Foundation
This sermon is an exposition of Ephesians 1&2, and serves as a timely reminder of three major foundational truths of our faith.
Yet Not I! — Part 4 (The Salvation Experience)
This sermon is a deep exposition of SALVATION and how it is not by man's WAY, not by man's WILL, and not by man's WORK.
Is Easter Necessary?
This sermon answers questions surrounding the necessity of celebrating Easter and how it is important to Christ, Critics, and the Christians.
Salvation From Sadness
This teaching is a detailed analysis of Jesus' encounter with the two sad disciples on the way to Emmaus after His resurrection.
Salvation From Sin
This sermon is a deep exposition of the subject of sin, the holiness of God, and the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Salvation From Satan
This teaching is a biblical exposition on the origin and personality of Satan and our victory in Christ.
He Saved Us
This teaching is a detailed exposition of the Person, Purpose and Process of Salvation.
What the Gospel Stays Part 7b
This sermon is the continuation of our study of Hebrews 6:4-6, with special emphasis on the hardening of heart against the Gospel.
What the Gospel Stays Part 7a
This sermon is a deep and detailed study of Hebrews 6:4-6, one of the knotty scriptures used to confuse and destabilize believers on the subject of eternal salvation.