How Not To Read The Bible

How Not To Read The Bible

There are times many believers need an answer from God for various matters in their lives. So we resolve to do ‘abrakadabra’ with God…by what I’ll like to call ‘Lucky Dipping’. ‘Lucky dipping’ is that method of inquiring direction from God in which you carry your Bible and first pray to God to speak to...

How To Constantly Have A Deep ‘Word-Study’ Lifestyle (Part 1)

How To Constantly Have A Deep ‘Word-Study’ Lifestyle (Part 1)

In a bid to improve their spiritual lives, I’ve had some people ask me questions like these: ‘…how do I grow in my Bible study…’? ‘ you cram Bible verses…’? ‘…how come you teach quoting so many verses accurately offhand…’? Many people wonder at times; how do some people just know the Bible so much?...