by Pastor Ayo Sparks THE RETURN: 2 Timothy 4:1 NET | I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom… The epistles to the Thessalonians were one of Paul’s earliest. In them he wrote about the return of...
Tag: Epistles to Timothy
Review of 2Timothy 3
by Pastor Ayo Sparks My prayer is that the profit of scripture becomes so evident in our lives reflecting Christ, Glorifying Christ. Chapter 3 of 2 Timothy presents a whole lot of verses that when pierced into would reveal an entire Bible without an extra 66books again. What I mean is that it’s not one...
Review of 2Timothy 2
by Pastor Ayo Sparks There are lots of key verses to discuss, but I believe most of them can be easily understood so I’d just share basically on two points, one on true apostolic succession and the other on our Eternal life. THE “TRUE” APOSTOLIC MANDATE: 2 Timothy 2:1-2 KJV Thou therefore, my son, be...
Review of 2Timothy 1
by Pastor Ayo Sparks I’d start the way I usually love to start any book study… Yes! It helps us have a central focus and proper understanding of book especially should in case there are difficult verses. So, I’m sure y’all are ready for another journey into the life of my Biblical Hero and Mentor…...
Review of 1Timothy 6
by Pastor Ayo Sparks THE PRACTICALITY OF YOUR EARTHLY STATE AND STATUS EVEN AT NEWBIRTH As we know, this has been Apostle Paul writing to Pastor Timothy concerning matters of doctrinal sanity, orderliness and administrative judiciousness in the church. While the message of the church strictly remains the Gospel of salvation through Faith in Christ...
Review of 1Timothy 5
by Pastor Ayo Sparks KINGDOM CULTURE AND WISDOM FOR ADMINISTRATION. 1Timothy 5:1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; 2 The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity. Recall that Paul was writing to our young Pastor Timothy, who definitely would have...
Review of 1Timothy 4
by Pastor Ayo Sparks THE SIGNS OF THE END TIME (FOCUS ON THE CHURCH) When we talk about the end time, our attentions are quickly drawn to the nefarious happenings in the world around us as sings of the end time. While we need to be conversant with our environments, we should not be too...
Review of 1Timothy 3
by Pastor Ayo Sparks THE PRECONDITIONS FOR APPOINTING LEADERS AND WORKERS ON THE CHURCH Apparently, some things were going wrong in the Ephesian church because unqualified and immature individuals were appointed to oversee the affairs. Unlike Peter admonished: Acts 6:3 wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the...
Review of 1Timothy 2
by Pastor Ayo Sparks 1Timothy 2 1-8 THE PRIMACY OF PRAYER Have you ever encountered or experienced the menace of bad governance, the machinations and manipulations of/from the evil ones around us? Have you ever been a victim of wrong doctrines but now liberated? Have you ever had such an ‘evil’ boss who cares about...
Review of 1Timothy 1
by Pastor Ayo Sparks THE IMPORTANCE OF DOCTRINAL SANCTITY Paul, after his first release from the Roman imprisonment visited the Asian and Macedonian churches. He was alarmed to find out that false teachings had permeated the Ephesian church under the watch of the elders, as he rightly prognosticated and warned again in Acts 20: Acts...