What Image Of God Do You Have In Your Mind?

What Image Of God Do You Have In Your Mind?

I once saw a friend who was very depressed because of the challenges he was going through at the moment… So I said to him:‘…Have you told God about this…’? That question sounded both ordinary and inappropriate to him? He responded: ‘…do you know how many people that are asking God various requests everyday…’? So he touched his two ears and said: ‘…how many prayers will he attend to per time’?

Wow! I was like…seriously?This guy actually has on his mind an image of a God who receives prayers from billions of people daily…and only has 2 ears to listen to each prayer…one after the other! Can you imagine the captivity the devil has caged this guy into?

Now listen: this guy is not the only one who has a wrong perspective about God! Many believers today have a very wrong perspective about God especially when it comes to having their prayers answered! I once overheard a nearby church to my house, starting up a prayer session. To my greatest surprise I realized the prayer leader telling the congregation to start asking God for Mercy for all their sins. I had no serious challenge with that (since I know they are yet to grasp the truth of their justification in Christ)…. until I realized that for about 30 minutes the prayer leader was still on this SAME prayer point!

‘…Jesus forgive me,….O lord, make us clean,….we are sorry Lord,…we are very sorry Lord….forgive us o Lord…’

For about 30minutes!!! Are you kidding me? I’m sure the reason they were doing this is so that they can ‘appease’ God to hear and answer all the prayers they will be presenting before Him afterwards!

What image of God do you have in your mind!!! A God who is not capable of answering ALL prayers? Or a God who will NOT answer the prayers of a BELIEVER if he has unconfessed sins? Have you read this verse before?

‘…AND THIS IS THE CONFIDENCE that we have in him that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us…’ (1John 5:14)

What is ‘the confidence’ we have in Him concerning answered prayers? Find your answer in the previous verse!

‘…These things have I written unto YOU THAT BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD; that YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God…’ (1John 5:13)

Wow! In fact, let me put the verses together the way the Bible has it:

‘…These things have I written unto you THAT BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD; THAT YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, …AND THIS IS THE CONFIDENCE that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, HE HEARETH US…’ (1John 5:13-14)

What did you discover? Now listen carefully: Your CONFIDENCE that God will hear your prayers is only drawn out of an ASSURANCE that if you are a ‘Believer’, then you already have ETERNAL LIFE!

Hear this: when you have the ASSURANCE that you can NEVER lose your Salvation, then you are qualified to always have heaven’s ATTENTION! It is the GOSPEL OF NO CONDEMNATION that always produces the CONFIDENCE that God will hear us!nNow look at this verse too:

‘…Having therefore, brethren, BOLDNESS TO ENTER into the holiest by the blood of Jesus…’ (Heb. 10:17)

Question: how do we have the BOLDNESS TO ENTER into the holiest?

Read the previous verses!

‘…AND THEIR SINS AND INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE… Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin…HAVING THEREFORE, BRETHREN, BOLDNESS TO ENTER into the holiest by the blood of Jesus…’ (Heb. 10:16-18)

I hope you are seeing this? The confidence that God will hear you is ALWAYS drawn out of your ASSURANCE that God has promised that your ‘…sins and iniquities will He remember no more…’! You need more proof? Then see this verse too!

‘…HE THAT SPARED NOT HIS OWN SON, but delivered him up for us all, HOW SHALL HE not with him also FREELY GIVE US ALL THINGS?’ (Romans 8:32)

Do you know what that means? It simply means: if God did not withhold HEAVEN’s BEST (His Son), how shall He not Freely give you all the REST!!!

‘…According as his divine power hath given unto us ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN UNTO LIFE AND GODLINESS, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue..’ (2Peter 1:3)

Hallelujah! So what are you looking unto God for? What prayer have you been presenting before God? Are you in a dire need for a divine intervention? Then activate your CONFIDENCE! Come alive in the ASSURANCE that you HAVE ETERNAL LIFE! Rejoice in the truth that your SINS AND INIQUITIES will God remember NO MORE! Pray this way:

‘…my Father, thank you for sending your only Son to die for me. Thank you for the assurance of eternal life that I have in you. Thank you for redeeming me from eternal damnation and the threats of hell. In this I stand assured, that if you could have sent your Son for my salvation, then there is nothing I will ask you that you won’t graciously provide…because I am the son whom you deeply love! Therefore Father, intervene in this situation, provide for this situation, and let your favour answer for me in this situation, in Jesus name.’ Amen.

You are well positioned! Get ready for GRACE intervention! You will be surprised how Jesus will come through for you! Hallelujah! Don’t allow the devil cage you as a ‘lawful captive’! Reject the negative image the devil is portraying God to be to you! God is LOVE! God answers prayers! Hallelujah!!!

So what is the correct image of God you are to have as a believer especially when it comes to ‘answering’ prayers? Check this out!

‘…Now unto Him that is ABLE TO DO…EXCEEDING… ABUNDANTLY …ABOVE …ALL THAT WE ASK… OR THINK,… according to the power that worketh in us…’ (Eph. 3:20)


EXCEEDING… (that’s so much!)

ABUNDANTLY … (still so much!)

ABOVE … (far so much!)

ALL… (Just so much!)

THAT WE ASK… (in prayers)

That is the God that I pray to! That is the God that you should have His image on your mind!

Listen: God is more willing to answer….than you are ready to request! God’s ears are so clear…even your whispers won’t go unattended! Go boldly and Receive Heavily!

‘…This is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: AND IF WE KNOW THAT HE HEAR US, WHATSOEVER WE ASK, WE KNOW THAT WE HAVE THE PETITIONS THAT WE DESIRED OF HIM…’ (1John 5:14-15)

You will testify soon! Remain under Grace. Amen.

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