What Manner Of Spirit Are You Of?

What Manner Of Spirit Are You Of?

It was easy for Elijah to believe that ‘calliing down fire’ was the way to prove God’s presence or intervention!

‘…If I be a man of God, then let FIRE come down from heaven, and consume thee…’ (2Kings 1:10)

This guy was hot! At a point, he declared:

‘…the God that answereth by FIRE, let him be God…’ (1Kings 18:24)

Hmm… Many believers today continued the Elijah style… ‘every person from my mother’s village, what are you waiting for ……………… (fill in the gap) by fire…

But… Just one chapter later, Elijah was to meet with God on a mountain. He stood on the mountain awaiting God’s powerful appearance… Being a man of ‘fire’, Elijah would have expected some kind of violent/fiery supernatural display to welcome God’s presence… Follow the story carefully:

‘… And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind RENT the mountains, and BRAKE IN PIECES the rocks before the LORD…(1Kings 19:11)

Wow! What a display! ‘…but the LORD was NOT in the wind…’ (1Kings 19:11)

Ah! after that great display of power! you mean the Lord was not in that great and strong wind that ‘destroyed’ mountains and scattered rocks??? So, another powerful scenario followed:

‘…and after the wind, an EARTHQUAKE; but the LORD was NOT in the earthquake…’ (1Kings 19:11)

Like seriously??? Now, I can feel Elijah thinking: ‘…if God is not in the wind and the earthquake, definitely He will be in the FIRE….for He is the God that answereth by FIRE’!!!

Here comes the next verse: ‘…And after the earthquake a FIRE; but the LORD was NOT in the fire…’ (1Kings 19:12)

You don’t mean it!!! I guess… Elijah must have been so disappointed! God was NOT in the FIRE!!! Hmm… Now see the violent/fiery display God chose to manifest Himself with:

‘…and after the fire a STILL SMALL VOICE…’ (1Kings 19:12)

Wow! ‘…still small voice’! Now listen carefully: you have not known God…until you know Him as GRACIOUS Father with a ‘still small voice’!

There was a time two of Jesus disciples said this to Him:

‘…Lord, wilt thou that WE COMMAND FIRE to come down from heaven, and consume them, EVEN AS ELIAS DID? (Luke: 9:54)

Jesus gave them a shocking response:

‘…But he turned, and REBUKED them, and said, Ye know not what MANNER OF SPIRIT ye are of…’ (Luke 9:55)

This simply means Elijah was not operating the ‘spirit of Christ’ when he called down fire to devour people! The spirit of Christ is the spirit of the ‘still small voice’! Its path is GRACE!

Elijah had the heaven shut down for NO RAIN upon Israel for three and half years! (James 5:17) Jesus’ ministry of three and the half years was simply summarized thus:

‘…How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who WENT ABOUT DOING GOOD, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil…’ (Acts 10:38)

That is the spirit of Christ! Three and half years of ‘raining’ good! Elijah was busy ‘killing’ while Jesus was busy ‘healing’! Hallelujah. It is evidently sure that if Jesus should take a stroll into some churches today and hears their violent prayer points, He will simply respond:

‘…Ye know not what MANNER OF SPIRIT ye are of…’ (Luke 9:55)

Hmm… Wouldn’t you rather leave Elijah and cleave to Jesus? Jesus is saying to you today:

‘…Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the UNFORCED RHYTHMS OF GRACE. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you…’ (Matt 11:29 MSG)

Therefore, drop your gospel of ‘FIRE’ and with humility, Learn the UNFORCED RHYTHMS OF GRACE.


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