Welcome to Gospel Of Grace Outreach
Learning about the finished work of Christ
Learning about the finished work of Christ
The Gospel Of Grace Outreach is a Christian ministry totally focused on the teaching of the Gospel of Grace both systematically and radically. We long to see many believers standing fast in the freedom by which Christ has made them free and to proclaim the gospel of no condemnation to a guilt-saturated world. (Galatians 5:1)
We are also a fellowship of believers who share the love of Christ among one another and impact our immediate community with the power of God’s love. We indeed learn about the finished work of Christ and appreciate true spiritual growth.
The Gospel of Grace Outreach is a Christian ministry with the mission:
To preach the Gospel of Grace effectively; thereby liberating men from the bondage of the Law and consequently from the grip of Satan, into the arms of their loving Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We have a threefold vision as inspired by the Holy Spirit:
• To teach the Gospel of Grace effectively to this generation (Romans 1:16-17, Acts 20:32).
• To dissolve the doubts in the hearts of men concerning their salvation and Christian
experience (Daniel 5:16, Hebrews 10:22).
• To see believers GROW in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2Peter 3:18).
Our beliefs are as follows:
• That the Gospel of Grace is the core of the New Testament doctrine and we are committed to propagating it both to save the lost and also establish believers in the kingdom of God; enlightening them with revelation truth that will transform their lives and enable them to manifest their son-ship in Christ Jesus. (Romans 1:16-17, Ephesians 1:17-19)
• That the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brought eternal salvation to anybody who truly believes in Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 5:9, Romans 6:17).
• We appreciate the truth that a believer in Jesus has eternal life; and cannot lose his salvation. (John 3:16, 10:28-29)
• That in financial giving, Christians are not under law to tithe but every believer is called into what the scriptures refer to as CHEERFUL GIVING. Believers are to be taught the freedom in Christ even in giving and thereby, motivated in appreciation to be people-oriented towards bountiful giving. (2Cor 9:7)