Dear ‘Deliverance’ Minister…

Dear ‘Deliverance’ Minister…

Dear ‘Deliverance’ Minister… The only question Jesus asked before casting a demon out is ‘what is your name’? And He only did that ONCE all through scriptures! But when you want to cast out demon…you will ask: ‘…how old are you’? ‘who are you’? ‘why did you enter him’? ‘when did you enter him’? ‘who...

Grace Perspectives On Vow

Grace Perspectives On Vow

You once needed a ‘miracle’ badly from God. Due to your shallow knowledge of God, you thought for God to give you that miracle, you must make a VOW to Him. So you made serious vows… ‘Lord, if you do this for me, I vow to…’ ‘…give you all my salary…’ ‘…triple my tithe…’ ‘…never...