Your Lightning Rod Did A Perfect Job!

Your Lightning Rod Did A Perfect Job!

— by Damilola Akinyera Do you remember this song: ‘lift Jesus higher…Lift Jesus higher…Lift Him up for the world to see…For He said, if I be lifted high from the earth…I will draw draw men unto Me.’ Hmm… This song is always used for serious praise and worship by believers and the congregation keeps lifting...

I Surrender All…!

I Surrender All…!

Do you sing this song: ‘…I surrender all… (2ce)…unto thee, my blessed Saviour……I surrender all…’ Hmm… This song is mostly used for ‘pulpit calls’ or what some churches call ‘re-dedication’… (i.e. when a believer is believed to have backslidden but now repenting)… Now you may be wondering, Pastor Dammy, is it wrong to sing the...

Concerning Demas…

Concerning Demas…

Once some folks hear that you say, ‘a believer can never lose his salvation’, they will just rush to the story of Demas and tell you: ‘…even Demas lost his salvation…and you are misleading people that they can’t lose their salvation…be careful with leading people into error…bla bla bla…’ Lol… At times, I just wonder...

Born Again Again⁉️

Born Again Again⁉️

When Jesus told Nicodemus: ‘…except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot see the kingdom of God’ (John 3:3) Nicodemus asked a very important question: ‘…Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter A SECOND TIME into his mother’s womb and be born?” (John 3:4) Hmm…...

Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For

Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For

One of the most popular verses among today’s believers is Hebrews 11:1… ‘…now FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of THINGS HOPED FOR…’ Hmm… This verse has suffered a lot from many preachers especially on the subject of faith!  When this verse is quoted, many think of material things or positive confessions… I have faith that I...

If Any Man Preaches Another Gospel…

If Any Man Preaches Another Gospel…

Have you noticed that most of the people who claim to die, go to heaven, go to hell, and come back to life…never come back to say that… many people will not make it to heaven because… THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE IN JESUS!!! Hmm… Instead, what you hear is that they said… many people will...

Which Covenant Do You Subscribe To?

Which Covenant Do You Subscribe To?

Many of us sing this song: ‘Covenant Keeping God…there is no one like you….Alpha, Omega….there is no one like you’… Funnily, most people who sing this song have no idea at all of what they are singing about! Now listen carefully: YOU DON’T HAVE A COVENANT WITH GOD! Hmm… I guess that was a ‘shock’...

Jesus: Our City Of Refuge!

Jesus: Our City Of Refuge!

If you read my last post on the TRESPASS OFFERING which Jesus offered Himself as on the Cross for us, then this post will make a whole lot of sense to you! Do you remember that the TRESPASS OFFERING was specifically for sins committed through IGNORANCE? Hmm… ‘If a soul commit a Trespass, and SIN...

Jesus: Our Trespass Offering!

Jesus: Our Trespass Offering!

When Jesus was on the Cross, brutally injured and maltreated, He said…. ‘…FATHER, forgive them; for THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO’! (Luke 23:34) Hmm…. What a PRAYER! Why would Jesus say such a prayer on behalf of people who ‘knowingly drove nails through His Hands and Feet’? Hmm… Now listen carefully: this prayer was...

Heavenly Race… Part 2

Heavenly Race… Part 2

I’m sure you had a wonderful time going through the Part 1 of this post on the Heavenly Race. In the previous post, we shared on how the Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus filled with the zeal of the Heavenly race! But at the end…his favorite song which was… ‘…heavenly race, I no go...