I’m sure you had a wonderful time going through the Part 1 of this post on the Heavenly Race. In the previous post, we shared on how the Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus filled with the zeal of the Heavenly race! But at the end…his favorite song which was…
‘…heavenly race, I no go taya…heavenly race, I no go taya…heavenly race, I no go taya…I no go taya…’
Suddenly, the song changed to …
‘…I don dey taya…’
We concluded the previous post with what Jesus said concerning the Heavenly Race:
‘…The things which are impossible with men are possible with God…’ (Luke 18:27)
In this post we would be exploring how God made the Heavenly Race possible! Ready? Let me first acquaint you with the Job Description of Jesus when He was born into this world.
‘…And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall SAVE his people from their sins…’ (Matt 1:21)
Hmm… When you think of ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’, what comes to your mind? (let me guess…) A wonderful Footballer! When you think of ‘Sinach’, what comes to your mind? A glorious Minstrel! When you think of ‘Joseph Prince’, what comes to your mind? A mind-blowing teacher of the Gospel! Hmm…
So let me ask… When you think of Jesus, what comes to your mind? (let me guess…) A strict Judge!…or…A sinner Killer!…or A mighty SAVIOUR! Hmm…
Your answer is determined by the kind of Gospel you have been listening to. Well, the Bible clearly gives us the Job Description of Jesus:
‘… And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall SAVE his people from their sins…’ (Matt 1:21)
Jesus’ job description for Humanity is to be a SAVIOUR! Would you agree He is good at His Job? Sure He is! Now follow the below carefully…
In the book of Luke, Jesus’ first sentence recorded at His early age was:
‘…Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My FATHER’S BUSINESS?’ (Luke 2:49)
The challenge with many believers is that we don’t know what the Father’s Business is! In fact, the next verse reveals that:
‘…But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them…’ (Luke 2:50)
Hmm… Now hear this: if you cannot also define what the Father’s business is, then you won’t understand who Jesus is to you! If you cannot understand what the FIRST STATEMENT of Jesus was during His earthly ministry (according to Luke), how then will you understand what the LAST STATEMENT of JESUS was during His earthly ministry (according to John)!
‘…So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “IT IS FINISHED!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit…’ (John 19:30)
Hmm… Jesus started His Father’s Business of SAVING you and He ended with an assuring statement: “IT IS FINISHED!” With this in mind, let me get back to our topic on the Heavenly Race! Every race has a STARTING line and a FINISH line!
Under Law: we are expected to run from the STARTING line to the FINISH line! But this is not so under Grace!
Listen carefully: Jesus RAN the Race on your behalf from the STARTING line to the FINISH line!
Now you see why He said…IT IS FINISHED!!! You are NOT called to run from the STARTING line to the FINISH line! If you understand what I just wrote above, a big congratulations to you! So, the question arises: why then do we have verses like the following in the Bible:
‘…let us run with patience the race that is set before us…’ (Hebrews 12:1)
‘…I therefore so run, not as uncertainly…’ (1Cor 9:26)
Hmm… Let me re-iterate that you are no longer called to run from the STARTING line to the FINISH line!
‘…For IN HIM dwelleth ALL THE FULNESS of the Godhead bodily… AND YE ARE COMPLETE IN HIM…’ (Col 2:9-10)
If you are a believer, you are COMPLETE IN JESUS!
Listen: your sins and shortcomings cannot ‘IN-COMPLETE’ you!
Hmm… So what race are we now called to run? Simple! You are to start your race from the FINISH line!!! Wow! I really hope you got that! The difference between Christianity and other ‘religions’ is that other religions have their observers run from the STARTING line to the FINISH line…but in Christianity, you are not called to run from the STARTING line! That has been ran for you already! Your race now BEGINS from the FINISH line! Hallelujah!
So, when you read verses like: ‘…I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race…’ (2Tim 4:7) Know that Paul was not referring to the race of ‘salvation’!He was referring to…the race for the ‘rewards’ that follows Salvation! So, He continues by saying:
‘… Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing…’ (2Tim 4:8)
Hmm… Listen: Salvation is NOT a Reward!
‘…for by GRACE are ye saved…’ (Eph 2:5)
Salvation is a GIFT! But there are ‘Rewards’ that accompany Salvation!These are what we Run the Race for!Did you get that?
‘…But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, THINGS THAT ACCOMPANY salvation…’ (Heb 6:9)
Our Race is NOT to enter Heaven! Our Race is to have Rewards in Heaven! I love how Paul put this:
‘… I PRESS toward the goal for the PRIZE of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus…’ (Phil 3:14)
That is what we press for! So it’s actually NOT an ‘heavenly race’ …(in the context with which the song is being sang)… It’s actually a ‘Heavenly REWARD race’ that we must never be tired of!!! Hallelujah!
With this revelation in mind, I therefore welcome you as we run the Heavenly Reward Race tirelessly for Christ in this world!Happy Gracious New Year!
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