Learn Evangelism From Jesus

Learn Evangelism From Jesus

There are many things that amaze me about our Lord Jesus in the Bible. One of them is the way He ‘EVANGELIZED’ the Gospel to people! Hmm… What marvels me is the method with which He passed across the Message to sinners…which seems to be very different from the way many ‘evangelists’ teach the Gospel...

You Are Accepted In The Beloved!

You Are Accepted In The Beloved!

There is something I love to share with you about how God deals with a believer under GRACE! In Matthew 3, after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist,…God spoke from heaven and said: ‘This is my BELOVED Son, in whom I am well pleased’! (Matt 3:17) Hmm….guess what??? As at this time, Jesus had...

The Untold Story About The Fall Of The Titanic Ship

The Untold Story About The Fall Of The Titanic Ship

In 1912 the Titanic, the largest, most luxurious, and most advanced ship of its time, sank on its maiden voyage, taking the lives of 1,514 passengers. Though the disaster occurred over a hundred years ago, several movies, documentaries, and books have kept the horror of that night alive in our minds. We’ve all heard of...

Honeymoon Forever

Honeymoon Forever

Every single and intending couple look towards the moment referred to as “honeymoon”. Honeymoon is generally accepted as that short but glorious moment in marriage in which a large chunk of the pleasures marriage has to offer is deeply explored…before the couple start facing ‘realities of life’. Now, sometimes we joke and say about marriage,...

GRACE: Radical Transformation

GRACE: Radical Transformation

My mum once went on a street evangelism in Abuja where she met a young man and preached the Gospel to him. On hearing the Gospel, this guy simply told my mum that it is ‘impossible’ for God to forgive him! According to him, he has committed so many sins, so much that he is...

How Can I Become Righteous?

How Can I Become Righteous?

When Paul was to tell us about his faithfulness to the LAW before he knew Christ…he used a unique phrase to express his pass mark: ‘…touching the righteousness which is in the law, BLAMELESS…’ (Phil 3:6) As in, there is nothing you can possibly dictate as a requirement for righteousness under the Law…that you will...

Under His Wings

Under His Wings

An invitation to my library. Just love up on your Saviour with this touching gospel story shared by one of my admired authors. Curled (with granted permission) from the book titled: He Loves Me; by Wayne Jacobsen. (Pg.109) Happy feeding. ———————– THE HEN AND HER CHICKS “…The forest fire had been brought under control, and...

Saved Now and Always?

Saved Now and Always?

To what extent is a believer saved? Past… Or present… Or does it include the future too? To find our answer, let’s just employ the first 2 verses of Romans chapter 5. It reads: ‘…Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: ..by whom also we have access...

Mercy Seat Activated

Mercy Seat Activated

In the Holy of Holies…there was a piece of furniture called ‘the Ark of Testimony’. On top of the Ark was a fully golden slab called the MERCY SEAT! ‘…You shall put the mercy seat ON TOP of the ark, and IN THE ark you shall put the Testimony that I will give you…’ (Exo....